Company Profile

SI Name of the Project Present Status of Implementation
1. Pakal Dul HE Project
(1000 MW)
  • Obtained all required clearance/appraisal from CEA, GoJK and MoEF&CC, GoI.
  • Investment approval accorded by GoI.
  • Major construction works started during Feb 2018.
  • Foundation stone of the project laid by Hon’ble Prime Minister on 19.05.2018.
2. Kiru HE Project
(624 MW)
  • Obtained all required clearance/appraisal from CEA, GoJK and MoEF&CC, GoI.
  • Foundation stone of the project laid by Hon’ble Prime Minister on 03.02.2019.
  • Investment approval accorded by GoI.
  • LoAs of all three work packages have been issued on 24.02.2020.
3. Kwar HE Project
(540 MW)
  • Obtained all required clearance/appraisal from CEA, GoJK and MoEF&CC, GoI.
  • Foundation stone of the project laid by Hon’ble Prime Minister on 24.04.2022
  • Investment approval accorded by GoI on 10.05.2022.
  • LoA of Major Civil work package has been issued on 11.05.2022.
4. Kirthai-II HE Project
(930 MW)
  • MoU signed between JKPDD and NHPC on 03.01.2021 wherein the implementation of the project is entrusted to CVPPL.
  • Obtaining pending clearances of the project are under progress.


Pakal Dul HE Project is under construction on river Marusudar, a tributary of river Chenab in district Kishtwar of J&K state and is about 45 kms from Kishtwar. The project envisages construction of a 167 m high Dam, an underground Power House with 4 units of 250 MW each.

Project Features

1. Location Village Drangdhuran in Kishtwar District of Jammu & Kashmir
2. Dam 167m High Concrete Face Rockfill Dam
3. HRT 2 Nos, 7.2m dia Horse Shoe/Circular shaped & 9.6 km each
4. Power House Underground 4 units of 250 MW each (1000 MW) near village Dul about 26 kms from Kishtwar
5. Tail Race Tunnel 4 nos, each of 113.5 m length and 5.5 m dia
6. Net Head 397.30 m
7. Design Discharge 309.88 cumec
8. Annual Energy 3230 MU in 90% dependable year
9. Project Cost Rs 8112.12 Crores (March 2013 price level)
10. Completion Period          66 months
11. Tariff First year- Rs 4.54 per unit / Levellised Tariff – Rs 4.28 per unit


Kiru HE Project, a run-of-river scheme is under construction on river Chenab in district Kishtwar of J&K state and is about 42 kms from Kishtwar. The Project envisages construction of 135 m high Dam and an underground Power House with 4 units of 156 MW each.

Project Features

1. Location Village Patharnakki in Kishtwar District of Jammu & Kashmir
2. Dam 135 m high Concrete Gravity Dam
3. Water conductor system Underground circular steel lined, 4Nos., dia : 5.5 m (internal) and length varying from 316m to 322m
4. Power House Underground 4 units of 156 MW each (624 MW)
5. Tail Race Tunnel 4 nos, length varying from 165 m to 190 m, and 7.0 m dia each
6. Net Head 117.98 m
7. Design Discharge 586 cumec
8. Annual Energy 2272.02 MU in 90% dependable year
9. Project Cost Rs 4287.59 Cr (July 2018 price level)
10. Completion Period 54 months
11. Tariff First year – Rs 4.27 per unit / Levellised Tariff – Rs 4.64 per unit


Kwar HE Project is under construction on river Chenab in district Kishtwar of J&K State and is about 28 km from Kishtwar. The project envisages construction of 109 m high Dam, an underground Power House with 4 unit of 135 MW each.

Project Features

1. Location Village Padyarna in Kishtwar District of Jammu & Kashmir
2. Dam 109 m High Concrete Gravity Dam.
3. Water conductor system Underground circular steel lined, 4 Nos., dia: 5.65 m (internal)
4. Power House Underground – 4 units of 135 MW each (540 MW)
5. Tail Race Tunnel 2 nos,  Length of TRT-1 is 2.7 km and Length of TRT-2 is 2.9 km, 9.5 m dia each
6. Net Head 103.1 m
7. Design Discharge 580.28 cumec
8. Project Cost Rs 4526.12 Cr (September 2020 Price level)
9. Annual Energy 1975.54 MU in 90% dependable year
10. Completion Period 54 months
11. Tariff First year – Rs 4.07 per unit / Levellised Tariff – Rs 4.44 per unit


Kirthai-II is a run-of- river project located in Kishtwar district, J&K at about 25 Kms upstream of Kiru H.E project on river Chenab .The project would provide an annual generation of 3329.52 MU in a 90% dependable year and envisages construction of 121m high concrete gravity dam.

Project Features

1. Location Village Kirthai in Kishtwar District of Jammu & Kashmir
2. Dam and water intake Concrete Gravity Dam (Height : 121 m) / Head Race Tunnel (4.29 Km)
3. Pressure Shaft 3 no. steel liner 0f 5.25m dia. 827m for Main PH
4. Power House Underground (840 MW) + Surface (90 >MW)
5. Annual Energy 3329.52 MU
6. Completion Period Pre-Construction : 17 months / Construction : 60 months